Sunday, September 2, 2007

A rock on a chain or...?

As I left Old World Wisconsin yesterday (a 500 acre museum dedicated to the history of Wisconsin and containing some of the oldest and most historical buildings in WI. ) I saw this unique object. Upon looking at it closer and operating it, I found out that not all doors have to have spring loaded hinges to shut themselves. This rock is situated towards the middle of the chain and when you let go of the door, gravity takes care of the rest! So, the rock on a chain is not decoration. It is a gravity operated door spring :)
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A Taste O' Gun Powder

These Re-enactors are representing elements of the Wisconsin 5th Regiment which fought in the American Civil War. The skirmishing represented this day re-enacts the final day of fighting in Virgina before the Surrender of Confederate forces under Gen. Robert E. Lee.
It should be noted that this re-enactment took place in "Old World Wisconsin" and not Virginia. :)
I was able to attend this event with some friends yesterday. It was quite interesting and fascinating...particularly as I have had some time to read and study up on the Civil War lately...a hobby of mine :)
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Union Troopers

These fellas give us a look at what a Union calvaryman in uniform would have looked like in the Civil War. Quite fascinating. Already being a horse lover and being/becoming a student of the American Civil War, I can see the appeal that this event/"adventure" (to say the very least) would have had on the young men of the day in joining the army on either side
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Men of a unit from Georgia

These re-enactors making up elements of a Georgia unit fire upon elements of the 5th Wisconsin pictured below.
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Re-enactors of the WI. 5th Regiment

Elements of the 5th Wisconsin Regiment in their final action of the day representing one of the final skirmishes before General Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia surrender...thus ending the American Civil War.
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