Wednesday, July 4, 2007


For those who are and may be iterested in what the building accomodations were like, here are some pic's. This first picture shows what student housing (also used for conferences) is like. These are more like nice camp cabins with a central laundry room and bathroom facilities located towards the bottom center of the housing.. Staff housing are actual houses with a kitchen and bathroom facilities.
The wood was purchased from the nationals at a fair price when the campus was built. It absolutley beautiful wood! God blessed Interface with a good location and some good neighbors.
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One way to burn off extra energy!

We had times where we were able to play sports with each other like soccer. We (guys) even played (rather tried for some of us) rugby with our language helpers one day. The girls were able to play volley ball with their language helpers. A game that is far more suitable for me! American football is to ingrained in my thinking to be able to play rugby :) More than I realized because I am not an overt sports fan....
In the background is our kitchen/dining hall facility They have a great crew there and fed us like kings and queens...ok, not that luxurious, but it sure felt and tasted like it!
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Home Sweet Home

This view is of the backside of the staff house that I stayed in for part of my time in PNG. I shared this with two other adjunct staff members. I won't forget this time or these roomies!
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Cake n' candles

While visiting some friends in Ontario Oregon yesterday, I ws surprised with a personal birthday cake! Yes, I celebrated my 28th birthday on the 2nd of July. The majority of it was on the road and was a sweet time of reflecting on God's goodness and faithfulness.
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On our way home

Here are most of us from the Interface Group on our way to L.A. The Lord blessed us with a nights stay in Singapore where we were able to get some good rest. Jet lag still kicked in anyway once we got back! I praise the Lord for a very good, challenging and life changing trip for all of us.
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Airport Security

These guys are the security at the airport in Goroka PNG. They do a fine job at keeping things moving and under control.
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